- M
- Maborosi
- Macadam Stories
- Macaluso Sisters
- Macbeth
- Machuca
- Maciste alpino
- Mackenna's Gold
- Mad Love
- Mad Max
- Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
- Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
- Mad Max: Fury Road
- Made in USA
- Made Up Memories
- Madeleine
- Mademoiselle
- Maestral
- Maestro!
- Mafija ubija samo ljeti
- Magareće godine
- Magdana's Donkey
- Magic Sounds
- Magnificent Obsession
- Magnificent Presence
- Mahler d'un pas mesuré
- Main Street
- Mainline
- Major Dundee
- Majstori, majstori!
- Make Way For Tomorrow
- Makedonskiot del od pekolot
- Making of, le dernier film
- Mala kronika
- Mala pljačka vlaka
- Mala seoska priredba
- Mali grad
- Mali ljubavni bog
- Mali princ
- Malpertuis
- Mama
- Mama Illegal
- Mamma Roma
- Mammo
- Mammoth
- Mamula Camp
- Man hunt
- Man Is Not a Bird
- Man of Iron
- Man of Marble
- Man on the Moon
- Man Overboard
- Man with a Movie Camera
- Man's Favourite Sport?
- Manchester by the sea
- Manhattan Murder Mystery
- Manhunt
- Manhunter
- Manon
- March on the Drina
- Maria
- Maria e as Outras
- Marianne and Juliane
- Marie Chantal vs. Dr. Kha
- Marie-Jo i njezine dvije ljubavi
- Marijini hirovi
- Mario's War
- Mariupolis 2
- Marius i Jeannette
- Marketa Lazarová
- Marriage Italian-Style
- Mars Attacks!
- Marshal
- Marshland
- Martha
- Martin u oblacima
- Masculine, Feminine: In 15 Acts
- Masquerade
- Master and Tatyana
- Master of the House
- Master Painter Tattoo-Ed
- Mataharis
- Mater Natura
- Matriarch
- Matter of Size
- Mauá, the Emperor and the King
- Mauvaise foi
- Max&Co.
- May Labor Day
- Maya the Bee: The Honey Games
- Mayday Mayhem
- McCabe & Mrs. Miller
- McLaren o McLarenu
- McLintock!
- Me and You and Everyone We Know
- Me, bebia, Iliko da Ilarioni
- Me, Them and Lara
- Me, You, Them
- Mean Girls
- Mean Streets
- Meandre
- Meantime
- Measure for Measure
- Medal of Honor
- Medea
- Medea
- Medeni mjesec
- Meek's Cutoff
- Meet John Doe
- Meet Me in St. Louis
- Meeting Venus
- Melancholia
- Mélo
- Memoirs of Prison
- Memoria
- Memories of Underdevelopment
- Memory Box
- Men Against...
- Mephisto
- Merci pour le chocolat
- Merrill's Marauders
- Meshes of the Afternoon
- Metastases
- Metronotte
- Metropolis
- Mia madre
- Miami Vice
- Mica i okolne priče
- Michurin
- Microphone Test
- Mid-August Lunch
- Midnight
- Midnight Cowboy
- Midnight Run
- Miele
- Migrants
- Miles ahead
- Milk
- Miller's Crossing
- Millions on the Island
- Ministar
- Minnie & Moskowitz
- Minuscule - La vallée des fourmis perdues
- Miracle in Milan
- Miracle on 34th Street
- Mirisi, zlato i tamjan
- Miró tapestry
- Miró the Forge
- Miró the Other
- Miroslav Kraljević
- Mirror
- Mirrors in the Dark
- Mirta uči statistiku
- Misery
- Misery
- Misija London
- Miss Granny
- Miss Kicki
- Miss Kiet's Children
- Miss Oyu
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
- Miss Stone
- Missing
- Mission To Mars
- Mission: Impossible
- Mississippi Mermaid
- Mist
- Mitch: The Diary of the Schizophrenic Patient
- Mjehurić
- Mnie tu wiatr zapędził
- Moana
- Moć riječi
- Moderan trening u sportu
- Moderato cantabile
- Modesty Blaise
- Mogu prestati kad god želim
- Moj je otac inženjer
- Moj stan
- Mommy
- Mon frčre se marie
- Monday Morning
- Monday or Tuesday
- Mondays in the Sun
- Mondo Bobo
- Money on the Side
- Monkey Business
- Monsieur Hawarden
- Monsoon Wedding
- Monster
- Montenegro
- Montparnasse 19
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
- Moomins on the Riviera
- Moon Father
- Moonlight
- Moonrise Kingdom
- Mora
- Morals of Ruth Halbfass
- Morgen
- Moscow Square
- Mother
- Mother
- Mother
- Mother Joan of the Angels
- Mother Krausen Goes to Heaven
- Mother of Kings
- Mother of Mine
- Mother!
- Motherland
- Motherland
- Mothers
- Mouchette
- Mount of Lament
- Mountain of Wrath
- Movie Movie
- Moving
- Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
- Mr. Hulot’s Holiday
- Mr. Klein
- Mr. Landsbergis
- Mr. Massey
- Mr. Nobody
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- Mrs. Henderson Presents
- Muertos de risa
- Mulholland Drive
- Multiple Maniacs
- Mum's Guest
- Mumini i potjera za kometom
- Mur murs
- Murder, My Sweet / Farewell My Lovely
- Murder!
- Muriel, or The Time of Return
- Music in Darkness
- Muškarac kojeg su voljele
- Muškarci
- My Ain Folk
- My American Uncle
- My Beautiful Laundrette
- My Best Enemy
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding
- My Brilliant Career
- My Childhood
- My Craft
- My Darling Clementine
- My Dear Enemy
- My Dearest Friend
- My Fathers, My Mother and Me
- My first day at work
- My Girlfriend Is an Agent
- My Girlfriend's Boyfriend
- My Grandpa Is an Alien
- My House
- My Idol
- My King
- My Life as a Courgette
- My Little Sister
- My Love Affair with Marriage
- My Mother and Her Guest
- My Mother the Mermaid
- My Name Ain't Johnny
- My New Partner
- My Night with Maud
- My Nikifor
- My Own Private Idaho
- My Russia
- My So-Called Selfish Life
- My Twentieth Century
- My Uncle
- My Voice
- My Way Home
- My Way Home
- My Wife is an Actress
- My world is upside down
- Myanmar Diaries
- Mystery Train
- Na moru
- Na nišanu
- Nabarvené ptáče
- Nadja in Paris
- Najljepša
- Naked
- Naked Among Wolves
- Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time
- Nanook of the North
- Napulj je pjesma
- Napumoceno's Will
- Naš osobni rat
- Naša djeca
- Naša strankinja
- National Class Category Up to 785 Ccm
- National Prizes
- Natural Born Killers
- Nature
- Ne croyez surtout pas que je hurle
- Ne daj se, Floki
- Ne me quitte pas
- Nebo ispod Osijeka
- Nebo kentaura
- Nebraska
- Negadon: The Monster from Mars
- Neighbours
- Nelle tue mani
- Nemmeno il destino
- Nénette and Boni
- Neruda
- Nessun messaggio in segreteria
- Nessuno
- Network
- Never Look Away
- Never Rarely Sometimes Always
- New Hippie Future
- New Wind of Youth Over the Mountain Pass
- New York, New York
- Next Door
- Next Stop Greenwich Village
- Next Stop Wonderland
- Next Stop: Odeon Cinema
- Ni na nebu ni na zemlji
- Niagara
- Nick's Film - Lightning over Water
- Nickel and Dime
- Night
- Night and Fog
- Night and the City
- Night Bus
- Night Butterfly
- Night Moves
- Night of the Living Dead
- Night on Earth
- Night Train
- Nights of Cabiria
- Nigthmare Alley
- Nije bilo uzalud
- Nikoletina Bursać
- Nine Months
- Ninja, a Band of Assassins
- Ninotchka
- Njegov novi posao
- No
- No Bears
- No Blood No Tears
- No Changes Have Taken in Our Lives
- No Country for Old Men
- No End
- No Fear, No Die
- No Filter
- No habrá paz para los malvados
- No one will talk about us when we're dead
- No Ordinary Life
- No shame
- No Shooting Time for Foxes
- No tengas miedo
- No Way Out
- No Wolf Has a House
- No, or the Vain Glory of Command
- Nobody Knows
- Nobody's Hero
- Noć i poslije noći noć
- Noć u kojoj nema razdaljine
- Noć za slušanje
- Nocturno 29
- Noel: The Samba Poet
- Nomadland
- Noodle
- North by Northwest
- North Pole
- Northern Edge
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu the Vampyre
- Nostalgia for the Light
- Nostalgija
- Not by Chance
- Not One Less
- Notizie degli scavi
- Notorious
- Nous n'irons plus au bois
- Nouvelle France
- Novecento
- Novi svijet
- Novo vreme, part I
- Novo vreme, part II
- Novo vreme, part III
- Novogodišnja pljačka
- Now or Never
- Now, Voyager
- Nowhere in Africa
- Nowhere Man
- Number 26
- Nuts in May
- Ny, pogodi!
- Nymphomaniac: Vol. I
- Nymphomaniac: Vol. II